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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 14, 2010
Hi - I had a really bad algae problem going on for the past month and half or more. In the last week my fish were starting to die. All I have left now is a pleco which is 3-4 inches and a small angel fish.

Because i was left with only these two, I thought it would be good time to just start over - i know i wouldnt have cycled water in the tank, but i was getting tired of cleaning it every week and replacing the wasnt making a difference.

I did the major cleaning last night, put in new clean gravel, and a new filter. I know to let the tank cycle, but when the water level reaches a good balance, I was looking for advice on what kind of fish to add. previously I had red platys, different tetras, 2 gourami, and 2 cori catfish.

I would really like to add color to the tank. Also I want to add in plants. I had plants before, but they were starting to loose their green - not sure why.

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