Stocking a 160L(40Gal?) tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 1, 2012
Hi everybody!

I currently have a 160L tank that has 6 Silver Dollars in it. (Over stocked, I think) And I have talked to the LFS who have agreed to take in my SD's. Which is good, because they are powerful swimmers, and really need a bit more swimming space.

One of my friends recommended getting Cichlids.
So I have been pouring over a few of the different kinds, but I'm a little overwhelmed as there are so many!

Basically my criteria are (roughly) as follows;

Local water is Hard - 135mg/L afaik, you only really have limited success altering this, short of some elaborate setups etc.
Local water has a PH of 7.3
And I would prefer the fish to have an adult size closer to 5" than 10" 'round' it down sort of thing.
They also have to be reasonably hardy/easy to care for, and not overly aggressive.

I would like to get a pair of Aequidens Pulcher/Blue Acaras (Breeding pair hopefully). And a Aulonocara/German Red. I was hoping to get a Vieja synspila too, but they get too big :(

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
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