Stocking a 25 Gallon Tall Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 20, 2008
Hey guys, finally getting back into the hobby, and I am soon going to be restocking my tank. How does this sound for stocking, I do 10-15% water changed every week.

1 Bristlenose Pleco
6 Harlequin Rasboras
6 Fish of another Shoaling Species (Neon or Rummynose Tetra's, other ideas?)
5-6 Leopard Cories
1 Dwarf Gourami or a pair of Honey Gouramis.

Recommend any changes/advice? What fish should I put in first?
I'm not sure on the adult sizes of those fish, but it sounds like it would be overstocked. If your willing to do the extra maintenance to keep up with the water quality, then it is possible to overstock to a certain degree.

As far as order, I would wait on the pleco until towards the end so that there is some algae built up for it to feed on. You can add it earlier as long as you remember to supplement it's diet more in the beginning. Gouramis should be added last due to territorial issues.

If you were to go with one of the Dwarf Cory species (Corydorus pygmaeus, hastatus, or habrosus) this would help with the stocking levels since they max out at 1".
Alright, I think I am going to drop the cories than, and I have one more question:

Are White Cloud Minnows shoaling fish?
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