stocking a swift water 55 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 18, 2004
Louisville, KY
I'm moving my current inhabitants to a larger tank and thought I'd try a swift water unheated tank. The room tempeture will be about 70 most of the winter and climb gradually to 78 in the summer. I already have a borneo butter fly loach [ looks kinda like a little bitty stingray or a lump of chewed gum stuck to the side of the tank] I want to get at least 2 more of these guys. They get to be about 3" long. They're from fast flowing streams so they like a current, fresh water [no salt] and lots of oxygen. I was considering a pair of bristle nose catfish. Does anyone have ideas on other fish that might be suitable?
Many loaches love fast moving water, and rosy barbs and zebra danios are said to come from fast water as well. I would think white clouds would do well in a tank such as this, also, as would any minnow-type fish. Avoid fish with long, flowy fins that will hinder their movement.

Sounds like a great project - post pics! :D
I am not sure about temp, but rainbows are riverfish too. You may have read it already, but Martin Thoenes manifold design is sweet, and I have not grown bored of watching fish and plants and even particulates in unidirectional current :) Martin posts on The Loach Forum and there are a crew of guys there who share info on river tanks and loaches, including rare species, if interested. Good luck!
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