Stocking for 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 24, 2011
Crestview, FL
So my beloved betta, Rama, passed away so my kind husband bought me 3 long finned danios, 3 salt and pepper Cory cats and an Otto. He wanted me to pick a bigger solo fish to make the tank brighter since the 7 others are just very neutral. Would a dwarf gourami work? I have heard they are prone to illness and after the biweekly battle with my betta I am not sure I am up for a constant sick fish so soon. Any suggestion on stocking would be great. Thanks
I have an empty fish less cycling tank & haven't decided which fish to get yet so I don't have advice there... But I wanted to say so sorry about your Betta. Bettas are my fave & I have lost a few over the years but they've had long, good lives b/c they were loved as was your Rama. Your stocking list sounds good. I think I'm gonna get some Corys & Otos, maybe Tetras too. Good luck!!
I bought a dwarf gourami and it just sat in the corner the whole time
Tank mates guppies molliess
And none tetras
A DG could work but your danios need at least a 20 gallon long as they are very active. Just be cautious that DG's are not very hardy. From what I've seen on here is that they are prone to bloat and some other nasties. I use my ten gallon for breeding fry. My 30 and 55 is where my fish are at.
Mundle said:
I bought a dwarf gourami and it just sat in the corner the whole time
Tank mates guppies molliess
And none tetras

No mollies in a ten
No danios in a ten
No peppered(salt and pepper) cories in a ten
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