Stocking idea

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 29, 2013
I am looking to stick my 37 gallon tank, I'm thinking:

3 Otocinclus vestitus
8 tiger barbs
6 Small top level fish (Glofish or tetra or danios)
2 dwarf gourami

How's that sound? What are some ideas on a school of top swimmers?
I would go with the 3 Otos, 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Dwarf Gourami. This still leaves some tank space. I would skip the Tiger Barbs because they may harm the Otos. Good luck!
I would go with the 3 Otos, 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Dwarf Gourami. This still leaves some tank space. I would skip the Tiger Barbs because they may harm the Otos. Good luck!

+1 I agree, maybe even a larger school of tetras (7-9)... Personally, I prefer Cardinal Tetras instead of Neon.

What are some ideas on a school of top swimmers?

Hatchetfish are very neat fish that stay near the top of the water, only issue is they jump so your tank needs a hood.
Trust me, avoid the tiger barbs! There devils . I would go with a school of 6-9 tetras , 4-6 hatchets a dwarf groumai.
Instead of tiger barbs how about pentazona barbs? They look very similar to tiger barbs but are quite peaceful instead.
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