Stocking Ideas For 135gal Freshwater Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 6, 2004
Yorktown, Virginia
I've been keeping african cichlids in my 135gal tank for about 10 years now and I've decided to switch things up. I now have a tank that has no fish in it and am looking to restock it with something besides mbuna african cichlids. I'm wide open to suggestions.

I'm looking for some schooling fish to go along with some larger fish like discus or blood parrots or angels. I don't know.

Thoughts and suggestions?

Thanks :confused:
If I had a tank that big I would definitely get a school of boesmani rainbow fish!
If you're looking for a change of pace, here's a couple neat tanks you could go with...

Option 1: Riverbed tank (see Hillstream Loaches - The Specialists at Life In The Fast Lane — Loaches Online for how to set up the tank)
- Hillstream loaches
- Dojo loaches
- Roseline Barbs & smaller barbs
- Danios
- etc

Option 2: Discus tank
- Discus
- Tetras (Rummynose, Cardinal, Glowlight, etc)
- Dwarf, Honey, or Pearl Gourami
- Large Rainbows
- Rams or Cories
- Etc

Option 3: South American Puffer colony

No matter what you choose, you have a lot of flexibility with that size tank!
You could try a nile puffer if you can find one (potentially 100 dollars), or some sort of biotope: maybe 6 angelfish, a school of larger tetras like black skirts or emperors (10-25 of them), a clown or bn pleco, some hatchetfish, and a dozen or two bronze or similar sized corys.
I personally love the idea of a large tank with massive schools of small fish.
Thanks for the replies. I'm kinda liking this:

Option 2: Discus tank
- Discus
- Tetras (Rummynose, Cardinal, Glowlight, etc)
- Dwarf, Honey, or Pearl Gourami
- Large Rainbows
- Rams or Cories
- Etc
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