Stocking ideas for my 55g

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 30, 2012
What fish will do best with angels? Im thinking I will do 2 or 3 angels max (all the same sex so i don't have to worry about them breeding). Will Cory's be ok with the angels? I've always loved Cory's, also I'm thinking of maybe a ram or two and more than likely platies, and possibly some black skirt tetras, ever since I've been looking at fish my son has liked them from day 1. What would your recommendations be as far as possible fish and number of each fish be? I plan on getting my Angela when their small, my LFS has a good selection of young angels.
You won't be able to tell what sex the angels are, time will eventually tell. Cory's do great with angels so no problem there. If you do black skirt tetras do at least 6 that way in the event they get nippy they will usually keep it within their school. I've kept skirts in the past with angels and have had no problems as long as their numbers were 6 or more. Platy's were it me, I'd do only males or females so you don't get over run with fry AND because fry will be angel food and that might upset your young son. So in a 55g you could comfortably do your 2-3 angels, 6 black skirts, 6 cory's, and 6 platies and have a nice tank.
Forgot to mention, if you get a pair of GBR's or Bolivian Rams you don't want to add them until a few months down the road, after your tank has matured some. They will do much better when added into a mature tank.
Rivercats said:
Forgot to mention, if you get a pair of GBR's or Bolivian Rams you don't want to add them until a few months down the road, after your tank has matured some. They will do much better when added into a mature tank.

Quick? I have a pair of bolivian's in a 20g tall that has been up& running for 6+months,in a week or 2 I will be upgrading them to a 36g bowfront..will be moving everything over from the 20g tall(live plants,filters substrate ectc..)
Will this affect the maturity of the system?
current tank

Any concerns that you may have in doing so would be appreciated...
It should work but really watch your water parameters, especially ammonia/nitrite. Also watch the rams for any signs of distress. That is about all you can do if you can't keep the 20 up and running.
Tearing the 20 down&moving everything over to the 36g..will be adding more eco-complete to the substrate that's all..
I currently have two platys that are both females, my last platy just had fry not to long ago. I don't see the fry everyday... Buy lately I see at the most 3 fry when I really look for them. At one point I would see 5 at one time, but here lately I've only seen 3 at one time... So I'll probably stick with females I guess and just let nature take its course. Glad to hear I can do Cory's, I was really hoping I could :) and being able to have the tetras will make my son pretty happy, he's wanted 'the black fish' (his name for them lol) ever since I got my 10g and were looking at fish for it. He's been good so far about understanding why we cant have the black fish so far so he will be happy to finally get too see them in our tank at home.
Also with my 10 I ended up doing an unplanned fish in cycle, thanks to grandma buying my son fish without me knowing till they got home one day, but when I get the 55 up and running I'm doing a fishless cycle. Which was my intention with my 10 but it didn't happen lol. Still not 10% sure on the rams yet, but thanks for the info, I wouldn't have known to wait other wise. Should I wait on the Angels as well or will they be ok to add once cycled?
Rams are supposed to be a lot more sensitive to water conditions than most fish, that's why they said to wait until your tank matures more, your angels should be ok. Btw if you are still undecided on the rams I purchased a long finned gbr a couple months ago and I am absolutely in love with him:)
Wiggles24 said:
Rams are supposed to be a lot more sensitive to water conditions than most fish, that's why they said to wait until your tank matures more, your angels should be ok. Btw if you are still undecided on the rams I purchased a long finned gbr a couple months ago and I am absolutely in love with him:)

My LFS has long finned rams as well and I love the looks of them too! A member here said they have a high disease rate and a low survival rate I think, could be wrong but I think that was said. Havent been in LFS in a week or so I don't know of they still have them or not. I've been trying to avoid it unless I have to have something lol.
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