Stocking level

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 1, 2020
Good afternoon all

First time poster.

I am after some advice as to the stocking level of my tank so I thought I would ask the experts.

I have a 140l freshwater tropical tank (100cm x 39cm x 42cm) with a eheim 350 filter.

Current stock is;
8 Split Fin Guppies
5 Cherry Barbs
4 Dwarf Honey Guarami
4 Red Wagtails
3 Peppered Cory
1 Bristlenose Pleco
2 Neon Tetra
2 Dwark African Frogs
2 Zebra Snails

My question is what percentage of stock is this for a tank of the above dimensions and literage.

Kind regards

That looks like pretty high stocking to me, possibly overstocked if your livebearers are breeding in there or if there’s any aggression/territory issues.

You also have a few incomplete schools (barbs, tetras and cories all are schooling fish which do best in large group sizes but as a minimum can be comfortable around 6+) and don’t really have room to fill them out as they should be. Any chance of re-homing the tetras and cories? Any aggression from the barbs, gourami or live bearers. Are your livebearers mixed sex?

What is your water change schedule and what do your nitrates hover around? That will help you figure out if the bioload is reasonable for your system.

Also I thought the dwarf frogs had issues with deeper tanks, because they breath air and have to get to the top. That’s something to keep an eye on as they get older.
Hi there.

Thank you so much for getting back to me.

I know what you mean about the incomplete schools, I guess I was looking at adding to them if the answer came back as stocking was ok. But thanks I think I will have to make a choice.

The cories I love and have had since I started so it would be something else to rehome but I get what you are saying.

Yes the live bearers are mixed sex 3 males to 2 females on the Barbs. Agressions doesnt appear to be there but I will keep an eye out as dont want any bullies. The gourami appear to be pretty chilled out.

Water changes are weekly (10% - 20%) and as I was unsure about the level of fish in there I have been testing the water twice a week to make sure with an API 800 testing kit.
Ph hovers around 6.5
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrates 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm

But I am continuing to monitor every couple of days after recently adding the gourami.

I have recently added some moss balls and some cryptocoryne crispatula (I think that's what it's called) and I have an air pump bubbling slowly 24/7.

Thank you for the tip on the frogs I will defo keep an eye on that.

I was always unsure of the exact literage of the tank but the maths cant lie with measurements as they just seems bigger than tanks in the store with similar literage.

Thanks again.
Tank is definitely between 35-40g.
FYI the Wags and Guppies are the only live bearers in your tank, the Barbs are egg layers [emoji854] I find that live bearers, even egg layers do better with a 2 female/1male ratio as it spreads out any amorous behaviour, I usually do 3F 1M.
Water changes should be 35-50% weekly esp if you think your stocking might be a little higher than recommended.

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