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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2011
Hi everyone I'm gonna be getting some afra cobwe and was wondering what tank mates I could have. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Would it not be possible to get an algie eater of some sort, maybe a bristle nose plec??
Ok thankyou, also just one more question. Do Afra cobwe have teeth it's just I think I've seen a picture of some with teeth, and what would be the best food to feed them?
Yes Cynotilapia species have unicuspid teeth.

I only feed and recommend New Life Spectrum 1mm Thera A, mbuna have a long intestinal track to slowly remove nutrients from their food and when the incorrect type of food is used whether it's poor quality of to high of protein count then they are prone to Bloat.
Thankyou so much, I'm new to this and I wanna do it right for the sake of the fish. Would you be able to give me any links as to where I can get that food from America. I've tried looking in the uk but couldn't find any. Sorry if I'm causing any inconvenience.
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