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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 25, 2011
I need to stock my 75G tank. Im looking for colorful fish. Maybe schooling fish. I'm not sure if I want cichlids or other types. What's the easiest to take care of?
In that tank? None. I know I'm putting two silver tipped sharks, which I already have, in it. Right now I have the filter in my 32G tank to cycle it
It really depend on your taste ,you can have discus,rams wich are the nicest ciclets in the word very peaceful, cause african ciclets will atack everithing lol
Just remember to nor over crow the tank if you want to have the same fishes alive for years
Ok. Thank you. And I know not to over crowd. Haha most of the threads on here always say something about it. Haha I'm going to post my list on here before I get them just to make sure though
The african cichlids are ease cause since they live in high ph you dont have to even lower the ph from your tap water ,but one again they are very agressive,you can only keep the with other agresive fish
And depending on the budget that you have,the more money the more beautiful and exotic fish you can get,i understand that not every body can afort discus for example wich are my favorites and most beautiful fish on fresh water lol my opinion lol
It really depend on the place ,cause some places they put ridiculous prices like if they where made of gold,the price depend on de size and the color,i got them from a discus breeder here in miami ,they start at 20$ for 2 inches long ,then a 4 inch cause 40$-50$ ,and the big ones like mines lol,from 70$-100$,
But is worth it,every one that see my fishes get stung,cause some people dont no that they even exist
About 6 to 7 inches maybe 8,but since the have araund body types they look huge ,from the side part lol,cause if you see them from the face to the back they are raelly thinn
I don't think the petsmart near me has them. I can look online though
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