strange paracite (i think)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 9, 2012
Uk, England.
Im stumped, I have 1 particular pristella tetra with what looks like white lines deep inside her skin. Its easy to see because pristella by nature are quite transluscent. They dont seem to move and she seems to be acting normaly but she does appear scruffy and discoloured compare to the rest with even afew black spot on her. If its what i think it may be i dont think its even treatable. I noticed a week ago a white spot on her tail which is now gone, she now has one closer up her back nearer her head. Just to clarify this is definitely NOT ich. It is definitely slowly getting worse and dont know what to do with her.

My parametres are perfect too. Ammo 0 nitrIte 0 nitrAte 0.10 almost unreadable.
Arghh! Nope. My camera wont focus properly through the glass on something so small especially when its moving.

I dunno, ill have to keep a Very close eye on her. I dont have the tank to put her in so im unable to seperate her from the group but if things get worse than i will HAVE to find something suitable. Her condition started alittle over a month ago, shes eating well, playing well and acting normaly, its hard to see which out of the 6 she is until your face is touching the glass. And even then my brother couldnt tell, but i know my fish.

Well any info obviously still appreciated. Im going to study her later on to see if i can pick out anything else that could possible lead to a diagnosis.
Lymphocystis is the only thing that comes to mind, which is really nothing to worry about. I recently seen this for the first time in all my years on a couple of Cryptoheros cutteri, the spots/lumps quickly went away nearly as fast as they appeared(within a week). I've known a few aquarist that have had severe cases leading to death but that's the equivalent of us dying from a common cold, nothing more to do than feed a high quality diet and keep your water pristine(you've already got that covered).
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