Strange relations in my tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 11, 2004
New Orleans, Louisana, USA
My Moorii's were have started maiting. At least thats what it looks like (nobody carrying yet.)
The strange part is, is that when the two I thought were mating, start doing the dance the others join in. Some times he will chase off the other male, but she won't. She will acually start dancing with the other male. 8O Sometime another female will come over and he will start dancing with her. I watched them get together only to run off with the other male and female (respectivly). 8O Maybe thats why I don't have fry yet, their still having fun. :shocked!:
I know some species of cichlids mate for life, anyone know if C. Morrii do. Or will it always be a free for all.
Well, I can only speak for myself. I have no knowledge in this area and as a result, thought it would have been frivilous to just comment on the...ahhh...occurrences in your tank. I'm sure it will pick up soon. :D
Even animals that "mate for life" have been shown to have a little something on the side. Now that one can combine observations and genetics to determine who the father was thought to be and who the father really is. Fasinating field, but unhelpful here.

Anyway, most cichlids can and will mate with species that are closely related. If you want to be sure you will have Moorii fry, they will need there own tank.
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