Student fisher!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 7, 2011
New York City, USA
I everyone! I recently became interested in raising fish. I started with a 5.5 gallon and recently upgraded to a 36 gallon bow.

Currently going to raise a school of tiger barbs and a pair kribensis in the 36 gallon and some guppies in the 5.5 gallon.

This is solely my interest in this household so I will pay for everything with the pocket change I make and feed the fish on my own. I get lonely sometimes and I think these will be a great remedy for it. I used to be in the sneaker field but due to financial barriers I was coerced to leave. I think fish would be a great hobby, and a bit less expensive and a great investment.

I am really happy to be here as I see many of the members are great. :) looking forward to meeting a lot of people! :)

What is a "in the sneaker field?"

Fish can be a very expensive hobby, even when you are like me and do it on the cheap :)
Sneaker field is the expensive ones such as air max, air Jordan's, dunks, and what not. Some what like fish, but each pair averages 150. With some more expensive than others, and some wears them while others collect them or others make it a business.

I understand your meaning by expensive, spent nearly 300 already on everything. :(
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