Substrate confusion

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SA fish

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 13, 2012
Just about a year ago, I decided to re enter the fishkeeping hobby. I bought a 55 gallon tank and stand. Well shortly after that I found I would be moving 400 miles so I decided to postpone starting the tank. I will be moving in two weeks and after my bedroom and tv are set up the next thing will be the tank.

I am not new to the hobby, but was out of it for ten years. As my forum name suggests, I am a fan of South American fish. In the past I have had a 120 gallon tank with 8 discus. I am not going to do discus with the 55 gallon, but will stock it with cardinal tetra, black neons, rummy nose tetras, sterbai cory and a pair of GBR. I want a heavily planted tank again going with the South American theme.

Last year I would have gone with the ADA Aquasoil Amazonia, but I have recently heard that is breaks down to a "mud" over time. I just did some more research and like Turface MVP. I don't mind if it lowers the ph a bit, just as long as it remains stable.

Any pros or cons? Anybody have experience with this product?
yea turface is good.. its like ecocomplete but without the added nutrients in it. as you dose the tank with nutrients the turface will absorb the extra into it or you can load it up first by putting it in a bucket and dosing ferts in it for a week . i used oildri for my first tank and it worked out very well , have to rinse it good though.. i then moved to sand for my tank now. next tank i will use dirt with a sand cap.
The problem with AS breaking down into a "mud" was with an old batch. AS II, I believe. The new Aqua Soil holds shape very well. Can't get anything better than it. ;)
Just about a year ago, I decided to re enter the fishkeeping hobby. I bought a 55 gallon tank and stand. Well shortly after that I found I would be moving 400 miles so I decided to postpone starting the tank. I will be moving in two weeks and after my bedroom and tv are set up the next thing will be the tank. I am not new to the hobby, but was out of it for ten years. As my forum name suggests, I am a fan of South American fish. In the past I have had a 120 gallon tank with 8 discus. I am not going to do discus with the 55 gallon, but will stock it with cardinal tetra, black neons, rummy nose tetras, sterbai cory and a pair of GBR. I want a heavily planted tank again going with the South American theme. Last year I would have gone with the ADA Aquasoil Amazonia, but I have recently heard that is breaks down to a "mud" over time. I just did some more research and like Turface MVP. I don't mind if it lowers the ph a bit, just as long as it remains stable. Any pros or cons? Anybody have experience with this product?

Turface is a good replacement for aquasoil because it has a relatively high cation rate of 30%. I have heard the old aquasoil breaking down but the new formulation withstands the test of time well.
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