Suggestions for floating live plants?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 19, 2013
We just made the switch from plastic plants to live-we have one amazon sword and a small water wisteria in there. We are thinking of adding a small floating plant-nothing big since we only have a 10 gallon for now. Does anyone have any suggestions of what we should look for that won't spread too much? Also, would we have to worry about the planted plants not getting enough light with a floating plant overhead?
We just made the switch from plastic plants to live-we have one amazon sword and a small water wisteria in there. We are thinking of adding a small floating plant-nothing big since we only have a 10 gallon for now. Does anyone have any suggestions of what we should look for that won't spread too much? Also, would we have to worry about the planted plants not getting enough light with a floating plant overhead?

Swords and wisteria need plenty of light, and as you said, floating plants would limit the amount if light they get.
Most floating plants will spread like crazy. Duckweed, frogbit, dwarf watter lettuce, etc. Frogbit doesn't seem to spread as fast as duckweed, but still isn't slow. Anacharis is also super fast. You may have to worry about limited amounts of light getting to the plants if the floating ones completely take over, especially if you have a relatively weak light already. What is your current lighting? Swords and wisteria aren't incredibly light-demanding however you still don't want to really limit what they get.
Our current lighting is 2 10-watt natural light compact flourescents.

I guess my other question is if the guppies get in the mood, what should we look for as cover/hiding for the mama and fry. We're not planning on a breeding tank at this point.
Hello Chell...

Pennywort is a great floating plant. It's a fast grower, but very easy to trim. It looks like small lily pads strung together. A nice addition to the tank. It's cheap and available at the local pet stores. I have it all my planted tanks. It's a natural water filter and thrives in most lighting conditions.

Hello again Chell...

A 10 G tank isn't the best for a "Livebearer". In the right water conditions, Guppies will breed every 28 days and fry can range in numbers of 12 to 60. I've kept these fish in larger, planted tanks for several years and it takes no time to go from a few to a 100. Especially, in a heavily planted tank and pure water conditions.

As we speak, I'm looking at larger aquariums. The whole family has caught the bug.

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