Suggestions on how to (hopefully) select a male Auratus

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 22, 2010
Lebanon, PA
Hi all, my LFS only stocks small female/juvenile coloration auratus and I was wondering if any of you had suggestions on how to make an educated selection so that it is hopefully a young male? I realize this manner of selection will not be perfect and I still may end up with a female but any suggestions will be appreciated.

in addition (for a seperate tank) how much do the shell dwelling multies typically cost? LFS doesnt carry them but i live about 30 min away from Thatfishplace so I will check if they carry them.
Multies are surprisingly expensive. Not sure why considering I started with about 12-15 and have well over 50 now (less than 6 months time). I paid $40 ( i think) for a 10g tank, hood, ac50, shells, sand, and the 12-15 multies), but that was a pretty good deal IMO. You can usually find them cheaper online on forums where people have just got too many and will ship them very cheap

As for auratus, its hit or miss. Juveniles are incredibly hard to vent, and females and males all look alike when they're young. Some people swear by egg spots, but I can tell you first hand that it's not a good method. I have a male and female auratus and they both have 5 egg spots. If you see one thats slightly lighter colored, thats a good indication that its a male (though there's no guarantee).
I'd wait until you see them chaning colour in the lfs. If they are that mature you often see females holding too. This can help in your selection.
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