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Idk about rcs, but for the frozen food, my fish love hikari's frozen bloodworms. I give them the worms 2x a week for more of a treat, and the first of the two packs inside the $6 pack is only halfway gone. I highly recomend

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Idk about rcs, but for the frozen food, my fish love hikari's frozen bloodworms. I give them the worms 2x a week for more of a treat, and the first of the two packs inside the $6 pack is only halfway gone. I highly recomend

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Ok thanks. I'm also needing to get some plants but my petco and petsmart have crappy selection. Once the weather is warm I'll try ordering some from here. Somee java moss and java fern I'm thinking. Java moss tied to the driftwood.

Today I put some bamboo in, it was in a pot for a while and honestly my mom didn't want it anymore. The leaves are out of the water.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Hey everyone just thought I'd give an update. All my fish are doing great, the pleco in particular has grown a ton - including his bristles! My brother thinks it's the coolest thing ever and calls my pleco Phil and my gourami Robert... lol. The bamboo I put in has had its leaves grow tons since I put it in, they are greener and there's so many new ones too. All of my fish except the tetras gorge themselves on the algae wafers meant for the pleco and snails... the pleco is a guardian of his food, and all he has to do to scare the other fish away is to move a little... I have a video of this during feeding time that I'll post, along with various pictures of the tank. The white thing by the pleco is cuttlebone for the snails. Also, tested nitrate at 5ppm

I guess I can't upload videos I'll upload it to YouTube later and embed it.

Thanks for reading,

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app


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Maybe as I collected it off the beach it was a bit differant or something. It broke up very easily - far more than I was expecting. I might try a store bought one to see if any differance.
Maybe as I collected it off the beach it was a bit differant or something. It broke up very easily - far more than I was expecting. I might try a store bought one to see if any differance.

Yeah I got mine from petco - their store brand. I took the package that was broken because I didn't really care that it was broken, as I was going to break it anyways.the cashier offered to get an unbroken one so I explained why it didn't matter.

I have yet to put much media in the sunsun, though the media it came with (white filter pads) are already falling apart. It's got 3 filter pads that came with the sunsun, 3 that I cut out from the huge roll I got on eBay(which are holding up great) and a bag of ceramic rings that it came with. It also came with carbon but I'm saving it for if at one point I need it for something.
Hi, on the website it is click on "Forum" in the green header and select a topic, then post "New Thread" which is on the left side.

On the iphone app, I 'browse' to the folder, then tap the 3 white dots on the right side in the blue folder header, select "new topic" from the pop-up menu.
Do dwarf gourami and German blue rams mix?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Really? I used to have some in a 10 even

With which fish? I had tiger barbs with dwarf gouramis, several types of schooling tetras and guppies (90 gallon) and by a couple days two thirds of my stock were killed or beaten up. The gouramis were the only ones in perfect condition. I'd say tiger barbs should go in a heavily planted and/or decorated horizontal aquarium with fast fish like tetras if you want other ones to go with the barbs. Schools of other barbs work well though depending on the type.(cherries etc.)
From what i have found online, they do, since dg are mid-hi lvl, while rams are a lower lvl fish

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Aquarium Advice mobile app
From what i have found online, they do, since dg are mid-hi lvl, while rams are a lower lvl fish

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Awesome! Should I add 1 or 2? Are they compatible with the rest of my fish?
Thanks for your help

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I would get 2, but i would start a new thread on the compatability, since if they start breeding, idk what would happen to the cories and kuhlis, since there are so many bottom feeders

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Not sure whats going on.. It looks like my corys have black specs all over them. I think it's from the sand, however, i' m not sure and i really want to fix whatever it is if its not sand..
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