Sump plumbing--- help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
I'm building a 30 gallon sump and need a bit of help with the plumbing. It wasn't a reef ready tank so I had 3 holes drilled in the back. Because of this, I'm going to use flexi tubing to plumb the in and return from the sump. Do I need to use the braided tubing or can I just use the regular clear tubing? Thanks!
I would use black tubing so algae doesn't grow in it over clear. But PVC all the way for me.


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I like the clear vinyl tubing as it is more flexible than the black tubing. If you are worried about algae collecting inside the tube, you can use a foam jacket (like for water heaters) to shield out any light. Also, it you are worried about algae, you can add a UV sterilizer. They can be used for both fresh and salt water applications, and are effective at eliminating algae in the water column.
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