Sump Plumbing

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 7, 2005
What is recommended for sump plumbing, rigid PVC or flexible tubing?
both LOL
at least what I use
Its a preference but remember PVC doesnt allow for flexiblity....thats why iu use both....i have ball values on my returns and then switch to flextube and then the return in the tank is pvc :)
Use both if you can, depending on your setup... just make sure that any unions between the two are strong and water tight. Let all cement dry for at least a couple hours before turning water on.

This way, your connections will be a bit forgiving. If you have an external pump (not submerged in water) then I would go all rigid PVC. I use flex and rigid with my submerged pump and it works great! :D
Thats what I was thinking, but wanted to ask before I did something wrong. I am planning on using a submersible pump and was planning on installing ball valves.

Also, what section in the sump/refugium do you place the protien skimmer?

Does it need it's compartment or can it go in the inflow section? i want to keep as much room as possible for the fuge.
I like flex tubing in case I need to pull a pump out of my sump or add another piece of equipment. Also easier to replace down the road. Just personal preference.
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