Switching substrates

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 13, 2011
Currently I have a 110 FOWLR with sand and I'm wondering how to properly make the switch from sand to crushed corral without taking everything out? I have brown diatoms pretty bad and it makes the sand look dirty
Diatoms will grow on anything. Not sure if it will cure your problem. I always thought sand was much easier for maintenance. If you got your self a good sand sifter it may help also.
Wow, I've heard of removing crushed coral and put in sand, but never the other way around. Instead of switching to crushed coral, like mentioned above, will cause more problems in the long run you should find your source.
Can you give us readings, ammonia, nitrite, nitrates?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5-10

1 blue tang 2"
1 koran tang 2"
1 bicolor angelfish 2"
1 cleaner shrimp
1 bloodshrimp
1 cleaner wrasse
6 naissarus snails
4 turbos
2 banded serpent starfish
50-60lbs of live rock if not more

My live rock also is Turing white? The tank is 6 weeks old and was cycled fishless!
Diatoms are very common in newer tanks. I would give it a little more time before you make a switch like that. I had diatom and it took about 2 months to go away
Ok I'll do that! What about my live rock turning white though?
That could be a couple things. Over exposure to light or even a calcium deficiency. I think that is more for coral then live rock but if you leave your lights on for way to long and if they are to close its possible. And test calcium levels as well just to make sure

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