Switching to Planted 29G

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 4, 2014
alright so I had a established 29g tank but that was boring for me. it had a heavy bio load. I decided to get rid of all but 4 of my fish 3 mollys and a huge rainbow shark. I put down two bags of flora max plant substrate, and one 25lb bag of top fin black substrate. I also have a nice piece of drift wood. My question is how long should it take to filter this tank with the same two filters i was using before for the same tank? I kept some fish around as a ammonia source, or is my tank instantly cycled?

My other question is I have the Aqueon dual t5 lamp fixture still wit the color max light that came with it as well as the 6700k bulb. My question is what kind of plants can i support wit this. I am also wondering what plants i can support if i add the aqueon hood to the tank as well. the light is just a t8 full spectrum that came with my starter kit.

also any stocking advice? I was thinking of getting 2 pairing rams, 3 corys, 5 rummynose tetras, and 5 cherry barbs. (when i do this i will be getting rid of my rainbow shark and mollys). Thank you guys in advance
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