Swollen Belly on Angelfish/ cloudy eye

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 12, 2009
Chicago, IL
I have three freshwater angelfish in a newly cycled/planted 20 gallon tank. I recently and happily upgraded. Two of the angels are the size of quarters and the third is slightly larger. Since they were all recently purchased to stock my new tank and one had some greyish tips on his tail after three days in the new tank (just noticed yesterday), I started treating the tank with coppersafe and melafix.

I have noticed two things on the new fish, one has a cloudy eye and his tail seems a bit jagged. Could this be a fungus? Should I be worried about his vision? This is the one I am concerned with most.

The other two however have swollen bellies this morning. I fed them half of an algea wafer last night in addition to the normal flake food, after reading a suggestion in the forum for angelfish diets, which they devoured. Can angelfish overeat? They seem to be swimming fine and are exploring the new tank. No strange behaviour other than swollen tummies.

Some other details about my tank: Only other fish in this 20 gallon are a ghost shrimp and a wild guppy that was used to cycle and set up the tank. I have mostly live plants and a a small piece of driftwood. I had the water tested and confirmed with my own readings before stocking the tank. All parameters were in ideal range: no ammonia, no nitrates or nitrites. I used the gravel from a smaller 6 gallon tank to set up and cycle this new tank for a week before I stocked it with the new angelfish. The temperature is maintained at ~80F. The water was conditioned with StressCoat+.
If it looks like the cloudy eye has a white film over it then it definately could be fungus. A picture would help in determining.

As far as angelfish overeating, I'd say most fish will overeat if you let them. My betta overate the other night when I gave an algae wafer to my pleco, and had a huge tummy for a day. I didn't feed her for a couple, and now she's back to normal though.
Thanks so much. Blushing 2.jpg

Blushing 3.jpg

Black Veiltail swollen belly.jpgI posted some pictures in my gallery of one with a swollen belly and the other one with the eye and fin issue. I am not sure if you can see these. Please advise on how I might display them otherwise.

I could not get a good picture of the blushing angels eye. But it does look like a white film. Also, his tail is a bit jagged at the edges which I took a picture of. This is my first venture in angelfish, so I am not sure how to detect diseases as well as on other freshwater fish that I have kept.

I also took a picture of one of the swollen bellies. I will be sure to take a break for feeding them for a day or two and see if that helps.

Any advise for how to treat the eye and tail problem? The others do not seem to have any issues on their fins and tails.
Thanks so much. View attachment 19572

View attachment 19573

View attachment 19574I posted some pictures in my gallery of one with a swollen belly and the other one with the eye and fin issue. I am not sure if you can see these. Please advise on how I might display them otherwise.

I could not get a good picture of the blushing angels eye. But it does look like a white film. Also, his tail is a bit jagged at the edges which I took a picture of. This is my first venture in angelfish, so I am not sure how to detect diseases as well as on other freshwater fish that I have kept.

I also took a picture of one of the swollen bellies. I will be sure to take a break for feeding them for a day or two and see if that helps.

Any advise for how to treat the eye and tail problem? The others do not seem to have any issues on their fins and tails.
From that picture I can't really tell if you have a fungal infection or not. Just keep an eye on that angel and if you see it seeming to get worse, post a pic, and get some Jungle fungus medicine.

In regards to the torn fin, in order to keep it from developing fin rot, put something in that will increase their stress coat. Something like this Kordon Fish Protector at PETCO

If their fins start to disappear rapidly, you need to get some fin rot meds. Any lfs should have this.
it is definately a fungus. when my fish had ick they had the same thing. do you notice any little spots in the tank or on the fish.
No spots in the tank, but his dorsal fin seemed a bit affected after a couple days. He/she is getting better now though. I think it was a fungus. Now there is only a small spot in the center of his eye that is cloudy and the tail and dorsal fin also seem to be clearing up. The other angels seem unaffected. I will continue treatment for a while longer just to be sure.
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