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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 12, 2003
Jersey City Heights, Hudson County, NJ
My parents just got a house in Tampa, FL and after living in the city my mother is freaked out by frogs. The house included a pond with some fairly large goldfish in it. My stepfather tells me there are many tadpoles in the pond. Are these harmful to the fish? And even if they aren't I'm sure my mother would appreciate them getting taken care of.

So, my question is; Is there anyway to get rid of the tadpoles other than netting them out? There's TONS of them!
How big are they? I bet the fish will eat some of them. They do no harm at all, and are probably pretty good for your pond. They will eat algae and other scraps, then when they grow up they will eat all kinds of pests around your pond.

There isn't really a way to get rid of them without netting. Next year during the breeding season perhaps you could scoop all of the eggs out to prevent tadpoles from being in your pond.
i keep putting tads in my pond and my fish think they are gum drops they do not last more than a week or so lucky i have a swamp in the back woods to get them for free try putting in a couple of small large mouth bass they will clean up the tads and when they get to big, through them back into a lake good luck tim
I'm confused. Other than the fact that your mom thinks their icky.....why would you want to remove them.

1. They are a food source for your fish

2. They are a natural part of any freshwater eco system.

3. They will aid in keeping the insect population to a minimum, which includes mosquito's

4. Once they get their land legs, so to speak, they will help keep the pest out of the garden and flower beds.

Unless your mom intends on swimming in the pond, IMO there are more reasons to leave them in the pond than there is to remove them.

I agree with Squishy and besides, your mom, city girl though she is, is going to have to get used to a lot of country things. Frogs, snakes, and other critters. If I were her, I'd worry about the Gators before the frogs! 8O
The Tadpoles won't harm none of the fish. But if you want to get rid of them you should go and buy a Red Devil Or a Clown Knife Fish, A fish that likes to eat other fish. But the goldfish may die, but that should take care of most of them and if that don't do it. Pray they all become frogs and go to neverland!

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