Tang Question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 15, 2003
Dallas, TX, USA
I am considering getting a couple of tangs for my tank. I really like the regal blue tangs (even though everyone and their mother has one) and scopas tangs. Would these get along? I hear that tangs don't get along well, yet I always see them together a the LFS. Also, I usually hear that they don't get along with their own species, but are okay with other types of tangs. What is really the case?
The "case" is that the comments are "generally speaking". I have 3 different types of tangs in a LARGE tank, they can school together when they want and hide from each other when the need arises now and then. Another factor is the size you start with and the timing when you place them in the tank. IF you know you are getting two, get them small, and at the same time. Just be sure you have enough room in your tank for them before you get them.
It's a 92-gallon corner tank with about a 4-foot distance between the two furthest points in the tank. I plan on buying the absolute smallest tangs I can get my hands on. Does this sound acceptable?
i always want to know do they live a long time, i heard that they don't eat and would only last a couple of months before dying off, i want to know what kind of alg. do i have to feed them for them to grow and live longer.
IMO, for the scopas tang, you would be ok, not for the blues, they get much larger fairly fast, and they are FAST swimmers.

As far as eating, mine eat Nori (dried seaweed) and broccoli, along with mysis and brine shrimp. I have had my three for over a year now.
Yea I would skip the regal tang as well. I have seen large ones in a 230 gal at a LFS and there very active swimmers.
so what is a good tang for a fish only 60 gallons tank that i could keep for a long time, i have 1 koran angel, 4 blue devil damsels, 1 yellow tail damsels, 1 jewel damsel, 1 tri-bar damsel, 1 tomato clownfish, 1 gree chromis, 2 blue fin damsel, 2 yellow damsel, 2 cleaner shrimp, 12 blue leg hermit crabs, 6 mud snail, 6 other unknown snail, and 1 sea cucumber and about 30 lbs of LR
A Regal Tang Grows Fast, Swims Fast and gets large. All tangs need a variety in their diet. They need Seaweed/Nori and meaty foods included in their diet.

Scopas is a good choice they are in the Zebrasoma species. But a scopas and yellow would not be a good choice because they are both Zebrasoma species. So you would not want to mix these 2 tangs.

A Kole Tang is a good choice it only gets about 5 inches & it's usually not aggressive.

Also Tangs can be fine together when they are young it's when they grow up. They can become very territorial as adults.

Hope this helps a little
Fuvibo1 - IMO I would not add a tang to your tank, you are pretty stocked right now. Remember these fish need room to grow, the koran angel gets large and will need the room.

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