Tank Friends for Rasbora's

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2014
Hi I've currently stocked my first aquarium with 6 harlequin Rasbora, however I'm not too sure what tank mates are suitable as I want it to be a community tank with various fish sizes, also I don't want to overload the tank! Preferably I would like barbs or gourami and some bottom feeders, the tank is 70L so I'm under the impression only 12-15 is the maximum?
I've put this in the wrong thread by mistake!!!

Proper new to this!!
I've put this in the wrong thread by mistake!!!

Proper new to this!!

That is okay! You can ask a moderator/admin to move the thread for you if you would like to your desired section. :)

Thank you for joining us! Enjoy! :)
No problem.

I was looking for a list of moderators/admins, but I can't seem to find it. Anyway, anybody that is a moderator/admin will have "Community Moderator," or "Community Admin" under their name. :)
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