Tank mates for golden wonder killifish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 24, 2015
So I've had this fish for so long now and I love him he's so entertaining has quite a bit of color and is just a great fish to keep. The only problem is tank mates he eats anything too small and he also eats quite a bit even when something gets along with him. I want to add a school of something to the tank it's not planted or anything just black sand and a big airstone. Now it has to be bigger than neon tetras, harlequin rasbora, rummy nose etc because he will eat them all within a week. So what do you think will work? The tank is 15 gallons I've thought of giant danio bought they get pretty big. Thanks ~ Greg

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Not really any large schoolers that can go in a 15.

You could try cories though.

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If the tank were bigger, I would suggest rainbowfish. My golden wonder killi does well with them - he doesn't seem bothered by their high level of activity.
Another option would be a single Kribensis

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Your tank is a bit small, but I have some suggestions: 3 or 4 dwarf neon rainbowfish, more wonder killis, a dwarf gourami, a Bolivian ram. I'm suggesting a single one of these options and not all of the fish together.

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