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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 19, 2012
Just got a new angelfish and his current tank mates the black skirt tetras are not working out as they keep attacking him. It's a 36 gallon planted tank with the angel fish,rasbora, Cory cats
What about some dwarf neon rainbow fish, I had them & loved them & they never bothered anyone :)
Never had Tetras, but the one I like are bleeding hearts they are bigger than neons, the bleeding hearts get to 2.5 inches
There are several good non-nippy tetras that work well with angels. Cardinal and Rummy nose are commonly kept with angels. I have 12 adult angels with a school of 25 Rummy Nose tetras and 25 Cardinal tetras. Lemon and Diamond tetras work well with them as do Congo tetras. But with any tetra species they do best in schools with a minimum of 6.
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