Tannins!!! aaaagh!!!

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Alshain said:
The Plecostumous is tropical. I'm not aware of a pleco that is coldwater, although doing a search I found information on a "butterfly loach" that is commonly called a coldwater pleco (even though it is not a pleco). Is that what you have?


Very likely, I too have looked at both butterfly and hillstream loaches before now (we had one similar in the old hex tank before it vanished without a trace), and they do look a lot like the Pleco we have (I did mention this info to the shop keeper who didn't seem that clued up on Plecos & loaches, well except the difference between Weather and Clown loaches!!), however, he's a wiley little thing so getting a good look at his top half is difficult as he zips about like a bolt of lightning!!!

Alshain said:
The weather loaches are coldwater. I was originally thinking they were not. So if that is your Pleco then you are good, other than a little crowding.

Well, it was me who got the other 2 loaches and the Pleco/Loach (whatever it may be!!!) as I read that Weather loaches liked to be in groups and the one we had was on his own, and I got the Pleco for the algae...

(I did mention that my mum will probably need a bigger tank for this lot!!! :lol: )
Well, I apologize for my own confusion. I've raised orandas but not the others. Your tank is still getting a bit hot though if its reaching 80 degrees. They may be able to tolerate it but they prefer no warmer than 72.
Alshain said:
Well, I apologize for my own confusion. I've raised orandas but not the others. Your tank is still getting a bit hot though if its reaching 80 degrees. They may be able to tolerate it but they prefer no warmer than 72.

The thermometer's "green zone" goes up to about 80f, but I've never seen the temp. at that level though. It's about 72f at the moment so it's a good temperature for them all at the moment...
Ok, slap my hand, I should have done this ages ago, but I finally got to do a proper water change today (50%) and it looks a lot less brown now, and is nice and bright near the bottom, as the tannins reduced the light near the bottom of the tank, so I can see the driftwood properly now, and I'm sure the plants are happier too... :D
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