Target fish advice

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 3, 2012
I just set up a 33L 48" X 12" X 13" and stocked it with 1 Aequidens pulcher and 1 Cleithracara maronii. The pulcher is about 1.5" and the maronii is about 1". The pulcher is chasing the maronii but not biting so far. I don't want the maronii to get stressed out and die on me. I was wondering if a school of zebra danios would draw the attention to them or would the pulcher just ignore them. I've used tetras as dithers with adult shy sa/ca cichlids but never needed target fish. There are many hiding places for the maronii but the pulcher always finds him. Any advice or thoughts on this. Also they are the only 2 in the tank at the moment.
A. pulcher can be aggressive. In my experience smaller fish will not work as targets. You might try more keyholes.

You could also try temporarily removing the pulcher rearranging the tank some and putting back to see if that helps at all.
A. pulcher can be aggressive. In my experience smaller fish will not work as targets. You might try more keyholes.

You could also try temporarily removing the pulcher rearranging the tank some and putting back to see if that helps at all.

Everything I have read claims they are peaceful except when breading. I know the maronii is one of the most peaceful sa's. I want to add a Thorichthys meeki once these 2 grow out a little but don't want to over stock with extra maronii's.
Everything I have read claims they are peaceful except when breading. I know the maronii is one of the most peaceful sa's. I want to add a Thorichthys meeki once these 2 grow out a little but don't want to over stock with extra maronii's.
In my experience it depends on the individual some are peaceful while others are not. There are plenty of examples of them bullying other fish.
In my experience it depends on the individual some are peaceful while others are not. There are plenty of examples of them bullying other fish.

Thanks for the info. They have only been together for about 24 hours. Hopefully they will settle and if not ill try rearranging with the pulcher out. I hoped by introducing them at the same time it would allow them to establish territories with out to many problems. Thanks again.
I think you'll have long term issues with those two species. Maronii are much more peaceful than pretty a. pulcher. Pulcher does vary GREATLY in temperament, from pretty placid, to hell in fish form. Most often I observe them as being more semi-aggressive. Could try a new pulcher maybe? Otherwise you could try a larger tetra, I think zebras would be a bit too small
I think you'll have long term issues with those two species. Maronii are much more peaceful than pretty a. pulcher. Pulcher does vary GREATLY in temperament, from pretty placid, to hell in fish form. Most often I observe them as being more semi-aggressive. Could try a new pulcher maybe? Otherwise you could try a larger tetra, I think zebras would be a bit too small

Thanks freakgecko. Just to make sure I have the names right im talking about the blue acara. Also I wanted to introduce a Thorichthys meeki later after these 2 were established thinking the meeki would be the more aggressive one and adding it last would be the right think to do. Is the maronii out of place with the other two?
Yup, talking about blue acara :) Personally, I think the maronii is the odd man out. They can work sometimes, but are often not going to stand up for themselves. A meeki (I'd personally go with a different thorichthys species, like macculipinnis, or a cryptoheros species, like panamense especially, but I digress) would stand it's ground and bark back so to say. I think the pulcher-meeki setup would work better than the pulcher-maronii or pulcher-maronii-meeki, or even maronii-meeki
Well I just looked up thorichthys macculipinnis and WOW makes the meeki look like a common fish. I wonder if I could find them locally.
Things have calmed down in the tank now. It was just after feeding maybe that's what caused it. One of my severums gets really crazy aggressive at feeding time and starts pushing the other severums around the 75 gallon till all the food id gone Then he wont let anyone near the front top until he realizes no more food is coming.
Well I just looked up thorichthys macculipinnis and WOW makes the meeki look like a common fish. I wonder if I could find them locally.
Things have calmed down in the tank now. It was just after feeding maybe that's what caused it. One of my severums gets really crazy aggressive at feeding time and starts pushing the other severums around the 75 gallon till all the food id gone Then he wont let anyone near the front top until he realizes no more food is coming.

I've seen them locally in 2 stores, but I had some really good lfs back home. I can't say I've seen any here in MD, but I've only been to 2 shops.

If it settled down, I'd give it a few days, if things are simmered down and seems good, then try the meeki, and just be prepared to remove someone in the event of a mood shift
One last question If I do need to move the maronii would he be ok in a 29 community tank long term or is that too small? the most aggressive fish in there is a gourami.
I would say a 36" tank would be ideal, but a 29 is do-able, given the lower area of the tank is lightly stocked
Thanks for the info as usual! Just 4 corys and 6 black skirts. The skirts and gourami stay mid and upper. Thanks again and I see you are not posting as much Hope its because you found work there.
Thanks for the info as usual! Just 4 corys and 6 black skirts. The skirts and gourami stay mid and upper. Thanks again and I see you are not posting as much Hope its because you found work there.

Yeah, a single individual should be fine in that IMO.

Yeah, I work 8:30am-7:30 pm on Sun-Wed, so I'm pretty busy most of the week lol
Something to think about, In my experience I have never had a tank work with just two cichlids in it unless they were a pair. One would always beat up on the other until I added more. I would try adding a Thorichthys and see what happens if it doesn't work then move the keyhole.

I am a big fan of the meeki one of my favorite fish but if you want something less common look at Thorichthys Pasionis. Really beautiful IMO.
Something to think about, In my experience I have never had a tank work with just two cichlids in it unless they were a pair. One would always beat up on the other until I added more. I would try adding a Thorichthys and see what happens if it doesn't work then move the keyhole.

I am a big fan of the meeki one of my favorite fish but if you want something less common look at Thorichthys Pasionis. Really beautiful IMO.

All has been quiet in the tank now but will be feeding soon. I wanted to add the meeki but all I could find were much larger than these 2 so I will check the lfs again tomorrow when their shipment comes in but after freakgecko and you showing me these other Thorichthys I may wait and try to find one of them.
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