Tattoo Mollies?!?!?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 20, 2006
St. Louis Missouri
I seen pink and blue stripped mollies and spotted mollies and I've NEVER seen them like this before... Could they have been painted?
it could be the tint? because light orange could look like pink, but not blue..
it definately wasn't a "Tint" (I wish it were) and the LFS had a special where you buy one stripped you get a spotted one free! I can't believe they would sell that!!! I go there all the time! I also noticed they had a bunch of different colored Parrot fish but I know nothing about them either!

The Mollies were Blue and Pink and it didn't look natural but they had them listed as "Tattooed"... I thought it was "fishy" I wish I had a decent digital, I would have taken a picture of them.
They are painted. I first saw them last week at a reputable fish store. I complained to the owner about how they could do that to the poor things, (he was standing next to me when I saw them, I didn't go seek him out to grumble). He said "I know, but I can't keep them in sttck, if I only sold what I wanted, I'd be out of business." I guess the man needs to make his money like we all do, but gees....
He then showed me some neon danios that are genetically enhanced with squid ink. They breed true to the color. This is now a new version of fish.
They actually were pretty nice looking as well. happy and zipping around the tank, not like the tattooed mollys. Tattoos are for people who decide to decorate their skin, not fish who have no choice.
It's not ink from squids, it's their GENES... They have genetically altered the danios DNA (glo-fish or glowfish, now) to have the genes that squid use to "talk" to each other. They communicate by flashing themselves like disco lights, or cop car sirens: it's an impressive sight. Google up "Humbolt Squids". I am sure there's video of it somewhere. As far as tattooing fish, it's completely retarded and should be boycotted by ALL fish store owners. It's the only way to stop it. What small minded freak likes to look in their tank and see a fish with the fakest looking markings in the world?
i mostly lurk on here, but i thought you guys would appreciate this. it been about 10 hours in the making, and i have about 2 left to go


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arcanasv - I normally don't like tattoos but I have to say, that is beautiful. It really is a work of art. Please post another photo when its finished.
I'm with Joannde... arcanasv that is really AWESOME!!! I love the way the water looks around the Beta... Please show us when that's finished cause that is really pretty!
The mollies you've seen are most certainly not naturally colored. If you look closely you may see some with LOVE written on them as well. Pets Supplies Plus and Petland are two stores that actively carry these.
arcanasv said:
i mostly lurk on here, but i thought you guys would appreciate this. it been about 10 hours in the making, and i have about 2 left to go

Thats awesome!
Check out my Jack Dempsey tat
I saw painted or tattooed mollys over valentines day (at pet supermarket) they had hearts with blue and pink spots :nono:

It defiantly wasn't genetic modification

Googled picture
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