Teen aquarists

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I have a lot.

55 gallon
2 angelfish
1 pearl gourami
5 Congo tetras
5 panda cories
1 brissle nose pleco

10 gallon
5 rummynose tetra
3 guppy
1 sparkling gourami
10> RCS

2.5 gallon
3 guppy fry

All my tanks are planted and the 2.5 is to grow out plants for my 55

Love planted tanks.
Can you post some pics?
I have a lot.

55 gallon
2 angelfish
1 pearl gourami
5 Congo tetras
5 panda cories
1 brissle nose pleco

10 gallon
5 rummynose tetra
3 guppy
1 sparkling gourami
10> RCS

2.5 gallon
3 guppy fry

All my tanks are planted and the 2.5 is to grow out plants for my 55

Cool cool, i have a bunch of tanks too haha.
All my tanks r planted too. I love the look of them. Does any body have any suggestion for a surface plant that's not duck weed.
All my tanks r planted too. I love the look of them. Does any body have any suggestion for a surface plant that's not duck weed.

The only plants i know are anubias, anachris, java fern, duckweed, and like a couple others lmao. I wouldnt know sorry bro. I never had a planted tank. My first tank was a few tetras and barb. Then i dove straight into new world cichlids lol.
All my tanks r planted too. I love the look of them. Does any body have any suggestion for a surface plant that's not duck weed.

Um their is frogbit it is bigger than duckweed. Water lettuce, hornwort, also there is red root floater. I love the look of that stuff
No prob, I'm really picky on the way my tank looks and can't find a decent floater plant. I'm looking for one that has vines(?) like growth.
Unless I counted wrong, theres only about 22-23 teens who posted. Hope more come on here and introduce themselves!
No prob, I'm really picky on the way my tank looks and can't find a decent floater plant. I'm looking for one that has vines(?) like growth.

So you want something that crawls from the ground up? Yeah, penny wort is one. Water hyacinths are a floating plant but you might not like them. Water sprite can be left floating too. Hydrocotyle sp. is a plant that is crawling along the ground.
There is something like Brazilian pennywort. I'm not sure of the name. I'd have to look it up

That is one kind of penny wort. There are different kinds and each looks somewhat different. So you want plants that grow stems and float to the surface? ( somewhat like lily pads )
Definitely. I thought maybe there would be only like 10 or less. :)

Oh really? I didn't know how many there could be, I was just thinking that there is 50 states, and that we would at least get a few from each lol, maybe I was being a little optimistic!
Oh really? I didn't know how many there could be, I was just thinking that there is 50 states, and that we would at least get a few from each lol, maybe I was being a little optimistic!

Yeah I am with you. To be honest I was kind of hoping to someone from every single state!
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