Teen aquarists

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Or a betta. "Come on, aren't I cute, just give me a pellet, oh please just one pellet!" -noms- "just one more please aren't I adorable? Please one more!"
Angel fish are worse. Are you gonna feed me, are ya. Your not? Aww why not. Please , just a flake
That means that these fish are not stressed by what's goings on?

It means they are less stressed than the fish who actually have it, thus the more stressed fish are a more suitable host for the parasite.

Has anybody here actually thought of how a fish body works? How does it produce its slime coat. What that's really made of. How long a fish can remember things. And how they think of their gaurdians (us) etc? Just curious

Slime coat production is based off of two things, it can either be stimulated to grow via a hormone or waterborne irritant. It is produced by specialized cells scattered throughout the epidermis. Just as a little piece of info, that is actually how aquarium salt "boosts slime coat." Since it has no know hormonal properties, it actually stresses the fish to improve it.

As for their thoughts to their owners, there still seems to be no evidence that fish can exhibit complex emotions. They still seem to have very wild instincts, driven by their stomachs. My fish do react to certain things, like me walking up to the tank, me opening and closing the tank stand, etc. because they know that results in food. However there doesn't seem to be any other bond between the fish and the fishkeeper. Some people "pet" larger fish such as Oscars, however that is more for the sake of the person, to feel like they are bonding more with their fish.
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It means they are less stressed than the fish who actually have it, thus the more stressed fish are a more suitable host for the parasite.

Slime coat production is based off of two things, it can either be stimulated to grow via a hormone or waterborne irritant.It is produced by specialized cells scattered through the epidermis. Just as a little piece of info, that is actually how aquarium salt "boosts slime coat." Since it has no know hormonal properties, it actually stresses the fish to improve it.

As for their thoughts to their owners, there still seems to be no evidence that fish can exhibit complex emotions. They still seem to have very wild instincts, driven by their stomachs. My fish do react to certain things, like me walking up to the tank, me opening and closing the tank stand, etc. because they know that results in food. However there doesn't seem to be any other bond between the fish and the fishkeeper. Some people "pet" larger fish such as Oscars, however that is more for the sake of the person, to feel like they are bonding more with their fish.

There goes the fish mind reading device
I wouldn't pet them. It can remove their protective slime coat and make them more likely to get sick.
I wouldn't pet them. It can remove their protective slime coat and make them more likely to get sick.

It's OK for larger fish, as long as you are very gentle, and make sure you don't have on any lotion, soap, etc. With smaller fish, though, it's a bad idea, because their slime coat is much more fragile.
It's OK for larger fish, as long as you are very gentle, and make sure you don't have on any lotion, soap, etc. With smaller fish, though, it's a bad idea, because their slime coat is much more fragile.

Oh okay. That's good to know ;) I'd kinda rather not take a chance anyway though XD
I have a baby oscar like 3 inches that when i stick my hand in the glass he comes up and lets me touch his back

Well pet his back

That's pretty cool! I've heard that oscars have a great personality when trained. I would love to pet my fish but most are small fish and I'm also afraid of ruining there slim coat.
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