Tell Me Everything About Pelvicachromis Rubrolabiatus

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
I have a pair of pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus and I need to know as much as I can about them. There isnt much info on line. Id like to know EVERYTHING. I want to breed them, I want to know how much $$$ they run for, What conditions they enjoy for breeding, Types of habbitat they like best. You know it about them I want to hear it.


They are one of the more aggressive kribs, that's for sure. A fine substrate for them to sift through seems preferred. Driftwood with some hiding places also seems preferred, IME. Flake foods with lots of veggies seems best, I'd avoid foods packed with lots of protein.

Other than that.. they are pretty much the same as any other Pelvicachromis sp..
They are one of the more aggressive kribs, that's for sure. A fine substrate for them to sift through seems preferred. Driftwood with some hiding places also seems preferred, IME. Flake foods with lots of veggies seems best, I'd avoid foods packed with lots of protein.

Other than that.. they are pretty much the same as any other Pelvicachromis sp..

I have read alot about there intense aggression however have experienced very little of this almost none at all. The male seems to be a bit pushy when it comes to wanting to breed however he never bites or anything the female knows how to stand her ground and show him shes not to be messed with.

All the info I can get about breeding would be best because thats what I got them for. I set up a 40 gallon breeder with Slate rock, Driftwood, White Sand Substrate for them, I am just allowing it to cycle.
For the few months I had them they bred like clockwork under a piece of slate. The female would dig a pit under the slate with one way in. She would "lure" the male in, lay the eggs on the "roof" of the cave she made. They would become EXTREMELY aggressive while protecting the fry. I would highly recommend keeping them in a species only tank if you are breeding.
Yes they will be in a species only tank I bought the tank just for them because they are a amazing looking fish at least to me and I really love the way they act and would like to breed them for my community to get them out there because they are from what I can (or should I say Cant) find a rare fish that has only been discover since 2004, I contacted the person who discovered them for information and am waiting for his reply.

Would feeding them New Life Spectrum Thera-A good or should I get them a different type of food? and if so what?
I have no experience with NLS so I can't comment there. I do know they will readily accept frozen bloodworms.

I conditioned (fattened up) the female in a separate tank and then introduced the pair to the breeder tank at night. Usually by dawn they would already have laid eggs on the slate.
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