Terracotta pots

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 17, 2005
New Zealand
I notice that many have terracotta pots in their tanks. I would like to add a small one to mine. Is there anything I should be aware of? Do I treat it, soak it, anything? before adding it?

Thanks...am learning so much here. I figure it is probably a silly question, but I just don't know.
Terracotta clay pots do make nice decorations/caves.

Your question is not silly at all - I've read of rare occasions here where a contaminated pot killed fish.

Basically, you want to be sure the pot hasn't been used or stored near fertilizers, insecticides, or other toxic chemicals.
If you buy it brand new, it's most likely fine. If it's been in your dad's garage for 10 years....warning bells should be ringing. :wink:

When you get the pot home, you should wash it as you would any other piece of new tank decor - with hot water. Of course, never use soap or detergent!
It's new and I did wash it. Thanks Toff, it was just sitting here beside me waiting for the right answer. Just a lil' bitty one, nothing too flash in a 45 gallon. Had pleanty of really nice moss covered ones in the garden, but figured they were not suitable.
Vivienne said:
Had pleanty of really nice moss covered ones in the garden, but figured they were not suitable.

That would not have worked out very well, but it gave me an idea. I wonder what a Chia Pet covered with Java moss would look like in an aquarium? :lol: I have a 2 gal betta tank at work, and I've been seriously considering something funny/kitschy/tacky for it.
I soaked mine in hot water. Lots of little bubbles for the first few minutes, probably because clay is so pourous. I'm guessing whatever gasses were released were better off being released into the bucket I soaked the flower pot in instead of my tank, but it may not be an issue. Those little pots are extremely cheap at Walmart.
i love teracotta pots!!! I have them in all my tanks now... great cheap caves.. much cheaper than buying at the LFS i think!!! I even use them for hides for my snakes... LOL.
Oh, and another benefit (I'm just guessing here, but I'm a good guesser): they are porous and semi-smooth, which provides a nice surface for beneficial bacteria.
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