Testing Kits

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 14, 2004
Winnipeg, MB
Hi there,

any one know where to get cheap Test Kits online?
preferably one with PH Nitrate amonia things like that :D :D
Go with the Salifert ive spent alot of money on test kits to find out there wrong.

Good luck Dewey
I think that for pH, nitrate, ammonia and such that just about any kit will do. I've used the tetra kits for all of the above and they are like 3 or 4 dollars each. Now I've switched to Seachem..about $8-$10. These are available at just about every online retailer. I like the Salifert kits for the more involved tests like magnesium, calcium etc. They are very accurate and easy to use but can be difficult to find sometimes.
I have had a full lab of aquariumpharm and red sea kits. After spending all that money I realized that i needed a better test kit. I use salifert now as well and am impressed with all the tests with the exception of phosphate, that kit is a joke, but the rest are very good and well worth the money.
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