Tetra species in question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 23, 2004
I have a school of silver tip tetra in my tank. After looking at other tanks on the web to find a suitable bottow dweller I saw a tetra that I thought was my tetra, but they don't have the same name. So I went searching, finding I am unable to make a firm decision I've come here. Is this a Pristella? And will he be okay in a school of tetra? He is quite calm and sweet, he swims with the other silver tips tetras with no worries. Stupid me for not checking, it wasn't until I uploaded pictures of my silver tips to the gallery that I found my error. :\

If I do have the Pristella should I get a school of Pristella? Right now I only have the silvertips in their as my main school, and don't mind having another school in there if they are compatible. (I ultimately want 2 angelfish in there at a later date)
It's a serpae tetra. (although I think another name for it is pricella, but don't quote me on that). They do like to be in schools of their own kind (I have had a number of them) but as long as he's swimming w/ the other tetras and doesn't appear to be under any stress... it's PROBABLY ok. But like I said, they do like to be in w/ their own kind. If your tank is big enough for more tetras, it probably wouldn't hurt to get a couple more buddies for him. All tetras are compatable w/ eachother and should get along fine. Angel fish however have been known to nip, but I think the tetras would be ok since they're small and fast and do not have flashy fins.
I don't think it is a serpae tetra. After doing more research I've come to the conclusion that it is a Pristella maxillaris (aka X-ray fish, aka Pristella).

I looked up the serpae though (Hyphessobrycon eques), and that is definately not the fish I have. But thank you for trying to help. :)
lol, yeah your right. It's a pristella. I always though they were the same thing as serpae tetras.... lol when I bought mine the first time it said serpae tetras on the tank... and the second time it changed to pristella. Oh well. In anycase... it will still get along w/ the other tetras and the rest of my post is still true! Sorry about that!
I would guess that the two schools would do fine. I have 5 silver tips and 5 serpaes in my 50 gal and there have been no problems.
LOL what a coincidence! :D I just saw this fish yesterday and thinking to get a couple of them. But then I thought I better come here first, and do some research before mixing them together with my platies. :wink: But as soon as I get home, I couldnt remember the fish name.. all I remember was it's Tetra P... something. :roll:
As confirmed already, yes, it is a pristella. I have five and they are with gold, black phantom, glowlite, and blue tetras. The pristellas do indeed like to hang out together, but they seem comfortable in the midst of all the others (except the blues, which have a selfish, I'm-faster-and-stronger-than-the-rest-of-y'all demeanor).

A group of pristellas are a very enjoyable and very beautiful species to have in a community tank...
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