Texas cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2012
South Carolina
Have a Texas cichlid. Tex is a very energetic fish that rearranges the tank every few days He is full grown was looking for ideas of a tank mate with him any suggestions need something else in there


Catfish , other cichlids
how big is the tank? whats your filtration? this may helpsome ppl answer
im not an expert on sa cichlids, so ill just keep quiet. im sure some ppl will answer your question soon.
A full size adult Texas that has lived a solitary life will not accept tankmates quickly if at all, he's claimed the entire tank. Plus that sized tank does not really allow for any fish of size/temperment that will be able to take the initial onslaught of aggression when introducing a new fish.
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Gonna have to agree, it's probably best to let him finish his life as a solo fish. A 55g is not really big enough to accommodate two large fish, however... If you are simply just bored with a single fish there are other options besides adding another larger fish. (ie. catfish/pleco)

"Target" fish are great provided he can't catch/eat them.

I've recommended them before and also curently have them in my tanks as well. Giant danios are great to help add more movement to the tank. This however might not always work, my Trimac didn't even second look at them, my RD started eating them, luckily the bichir is to slow haha.

Lastly if you were gonna add any more fish I would also recommend bumping up the filtration.

Oh and great looking fish. =)
Gonna have to agree, it's probably best to let him finish his life as a solo fish. A 55g is not really big enough to accommodate two large fish, however... If you are simply just bored with a single fish there are other options besides adding another larger fish. (ie. catfish/pleco)

"Target" fish are great provided he can't catch/eat them.

I've recommended them before and also curently have them in my tanks as well. Giant danios are great to help add more movement to the tank. This however might not always work, my Trimac didn't even second look at them, my RD started eating them, luckily the bichir is to slow haha.

Lastly if you were gonna add any more fish I would also recommend bumping up the filtration.

Oh and great looking fish. =)

Dither/Target fish have been mostly hit or miss for me personally (with more miss than hit). You may also have luck adding Buenos Aires tetras. Giant Danios are fast, but they sure are plain and ugly.

I've also seen Congo Tetras recommended, but you'll have to look for a good deal on them, because they tend to be overpriced.
Texas Cichlids are the devil!!!! Mean mean fish. So I agree that a full grown TC will not accept any tank mate. The only thing you can add with him Would be an equal sized or larger cichlid. But if you do that they will fight and one will die. That's the hardest thing about owning a cichlid, you need to get all his tankmates at the same time do they can grow up together. Only way I would see this working is if you put him in a different tank, rearrange everything inside, get the other fish and let him live there for a week or so and THEN add back in your TC. They will fight but he may loose the dominance of the tank and let the other fish live with him. It may not work but it's the only thing I know of to do. I tried it with my Oscar and a red devil and my Oscar beat him pretty hard :(
5x5 said:
Giant Danios are fast, but they sure are plain and ugly.

Yeah but with a high risk of failure, I simply could not justify 5$+ fish(each) as a sound investment. Better to try the 1$ danios. Then if the texas allows them I would then try and add a few tetras or some other quick target fish.(as a swap out).
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