Thanks everybody for the recommendations

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 30, 2011
I just wanted to thank everybody for recommending the API master test kit. it seems a little pricey buy its definitly awsome and better then the strips i used as a kid.

plus I feel like a chemist when using them. my wife looks at me like I'm some sort of super scientist when I busted out the vials and measurements and stuff.
Just a hint...Don't get the booklet that tells you what to do wet....all my pages are now stuck i have to guess how to do each test!
maybe its only the newer ones like the one I got, but each of the bottles have a picture of a little water drop with a number inside of it that tells you how many to use.
maybe its only the newer ones like the one I got, but each of the bottles have a picture of a little water drop with a number inside of it that tells you how many to use.

Yup mine has that...but in the booklet some recommend shaking between bottles(the Nitrates #2 bottle needs to be shaken to **** each time you use it), some not, some say wait 5 minutes, some don' general i'm pretty sure i'm safe with a little shake and waiting 5 minutes for every test...but who knows? :confused:
plus I feel like a chemist when using them. my wife looks at me like I'm some sort of super scientist when I busted out the vials and measurements and stuff.

We'll have to get you a lab coat and some nerdy glasses.... she'll be all over you..... :brows:
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