The new guy

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 29, 2010
Hello everyone. Found this site on my new droid phone while bored at work. I'm a grower in a whole sale greenhouse and things are slow this time of year. :p
Fish stuff.. um I've had freshwater sense I was born 28 years. My dad is a huge fish guy and I grew up with tanks. About 6 years ago I started my first saltwater against protests of it being to exspensive. That tank has evolved into a 40 breeder from a 15 g tall. Currently the tank count is at 4, however I purchased a new house and want to dive deeper into breeding fish. I have the 40B reef tank, a 5g homemade reef tank (1 year old), a 30g chiclid tank (2 years old), and a 55g freshwater planted (8 months old).
Anyways hey everybody and ill stop rambling now.
Welcome to the site! We'd love to see some pictures of your collection! :)
Thank you! :) ill get pictures up some day soon. Moving most of the tanks this weekend and I've sold some of my livestock.
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