Things looking better/Thankyou everyone

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 9, 2003
:lol: With being stressed out for the last week, dealing with Ich, which really is icky, things are starting to look better. My remainging tetra looks like he will survive. Yesterday he was starting to look better and today he looked great, even came out to greet me this morning. Will he get lonely without others like him? I don't want to introduce any more fish for a long while. He sems to hang out with the other different fish. I treated my tank with Rid Ich, Melafix, temps of 82 and keeping the water clean and regular water testing, and lots of info and help from this forum. Thankyou everyone for putting up with my constant questions. I do have a couple more questions, so bear with me. Seeing I have/had Ich in my tank and having battled it and looks like I won this time, will it still be somewhere in my tank, like a fish, and as soon as it is stressed or ill, will I be dealing with Ich again and have to go through this all over again? I do a good job on keeping the tank clean and do regular water testing and always examine my fish daily for any signs of stress or illness. I also now have a quarentine tank ready to set up if needed. Can it just be a smaller tank say a 2 1/2 gal if only one fish is sick or needed to be quarentined? I actually have two small tank setups. Or would a big bucket I only use for aquarium use with a small heater, 50 watts, and an air stone be better? I will also be adding Bio Spira when this is completly done. Thanks for the info on where to purchase it.
Yay! Good news :) I'm pleased.

Your tetra will be fine all by himself for a while. You will want to get more; tetras are schoolin fish, but for a few weeks shouldn't be a problem.

Chances are, once you've treated for ich successfully, it is no longer in the tank. Read the section on dormancy here: . It explains it much better then I LOL

Yay for having a QT tank! You won't regret it, in fact, you may find its the best piece of aquaria equipment you've ever had. As for size, depends on the fish. If you are getting small guys which are only staying in there for a couple of weeks, it shouldn't be a prob. But, for example, a 2 1/2 would be way too small to QT an adult angel. You CAN use a new, well cleaned well rinsed rubbermaid container with a filter, heater and some aeration. Just keep a close eye on the water parameters.

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