time to stock?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 20, 2011
I took everyone's advice on here and started my fishless cycle Friday. I added tetras safe smart last night and now my ammonia levels are less than 1 ppm and my nitrates are at 10 ppm. Is it ok for me to add fish? I'm planning on 7 neon tetras and my betta.
I would say no, even with the bacterial additive added, your tank would not cycle that fast.

When using bacterial additives (Such as TSS), they need to be added when fish are (Im not encouraging this though, much more work for a beginner). If not, the bacteria will slowly die (Your bottled bacteria is working as of now, but it will no longer.) off because the lack ammonia (fish).
Wait until it hits 0 over night then you'll be ready. Before you add stock though, change the water. 4ppm is a LOT of ammonia...I don't think I've ever seen anyone stock a new tank and have it hit 4...
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