Tiny fish

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My neons are all over 1" nowadays. I was at my LFS though, and they had what were labeled as Dwarf Guppies, they looked guppyish, and had unbelievable colors. I had to ask the guy if they were painted or engineered...he claims they are not. Anyways these little guys had a max size of about 1/2 inch. I was temped to set up a minitank for them, for my desk at work.
Sounds like Endler's to me:

Sounds like endlers to me too. They're actually pretty hard to come by in my area. I believe they grow to about the same size as guppies. They just look smaller because their tails don't fan out.
Yup, thats them... you never can trust the names at the LFS. I was talking to the Guy there, and he said half the time they make up the names for the fish they sell.... bleh
Steven_Askham said:
8O Really they just like randomly name fishes lol :x :idea:

That is exactly right - you can't trust the common names used at the LFS. If you see something you like, take a pic with your phone or remember what they look like and go home and look them up first.

Someone here mentioned in a thread once that their LFS called oscars "large-mouth goldfish." Can you imagine? :?
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