Tips to get new amano shrimp to eat

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2011
Huntington Beach, CA
I just got a few new amano shrimp yesterday and I'm having some trouble finding something they want to eat. I've tried pellets, flakes, peas and two different types of lettuce. In fact one piece of lettuce I wedged by the sponge filter they're just using as cover lol. They do swim and walk around the 10 gallon but they're mostly chilling on the sponge filter.

The setup is a QT with a heater, thermometer and sponge filter at 78 degrees. I'm not necessarily QTing them but any water that may have been clinging to them out of the bag (the LFS has parasites).

Am I just being paranoid since its only been 24 hours lol?
If you look very closely at the shrimps feet, you can see them collecting food and putting in their mouth. Is it not even doing that?

Also, a lot of shrimp will hang out on the sponge filter; it collects lots of dirtius (sp) and they love to eat it.
If you look very closely at the shrimps feet, you can see them collecting food and putting in their mouth. Is it not even doing that?

Also, a lot of shrimp will hang out on the sponge filter; it collects lots of dirtius (sp) and they love to eat it.

Yeah that's what they've been doing on the sponge but wasn't sure. I didn't think there was much stuff on it since I had it cooking in my display canister after all the media.

Tonight I finally saw them eating a pea and also cucumber so I feel better about that lol. Although I did lose one after it molted this morning, oh well.
Don't feel too bad, 99.9% of Amano shrimps are wild caught, and die shortly after being purchased. Too much stress for the little guys! They have a tendency to do that. :(
Do you guys think 1 week is long enough to quarantine these guys? Again I'm not quarantining the shrimp exactly but the water that may have been clinging to them since the LFS had parasites in the past. Or should I go a full 2-3 weeks?
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