To Kit, or Not To Kit

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 13, 2005
Grand Rapids, MI
I've finally decided to jump in and get an aquarium. The problem is, I can't decide whether to get a kit or buy everything separately. The amount of inormation out there about everything from filters to proper lighting is kind of overwhelming.

Would this be a decent kit:
All-Glass Aquarium ELITE 20 Gallon Freshwater Deluxe Aquarium Kit

I found it at a LFS for $90 and I'm wondering if it's a good value or if I'd be better off buying things separately. I don't want to go top of the line and break the bank, but I also don't want to be cheap and have to replace things in a month or two.

My first fish is going to be a betta (I've always had a thing for them) and I plan on having just him until the tank is cycled.

The rest of the supplies I plan on getting are:
betta specific food (haven't decided which kind yet)
silk plants (from what I've read live ones seem to be a lot of extra work)

Thank you for your help
Welcome to AA CannibalCrowley! :D

I've never used that particular filter so I don't know if you will need an upgrade. It doesn't list the gph and I've tried searching online but can't find it. From the picture, it looks like the heater will have to be upgraded in the future. If it doesn't come with the stand, I would buy it all seperately. You can purchase online alot cheaper than the lfs. has great prices and you will be able to purchase everything from them except the tank (cheaper to buy at the lfs due to shipping).
Welcome to AA!!!

I am with Fishy on this one. You are probably better off just buying the tank and stand from the LFs and getting the other pieces online. I have never heard of the filter either.

For the purposes you intend to use it, it sounds okay. I've never used a kit before, so I cannot confirm the reliability of the equipement.

Just a word regarding your statement about having the betta until the tank is cycled. It's not a good idea to cycle a tank with a fish as delicate as a betta. You need not cycle the tank with fish at all. You could use a fishless cycle.

Good luck and Welcome to AA!
I would say you would be fine if you did get the kit. All-glass definitely makes good tanks, so you are not being short-changed there. The two biggest weaknesses as mentioned already are the filter and the heater. On-line, a good filter and a good heater would be about $30 combined (plus a few dollars for shipping). The question then is how much would you pay for the rest (the tank, lid, and light). If you could get those items for about $60 or less, you would be able to pay the same amount for better equipment. If it is much more than $60 to buy those items outside of the kit, then you might as well go with the kit and then you can upgrade later. One upside I will mention of the on-line approach is that you can also save quite a bit ordering all of your other supplies on-line.
I think if you are not planning on having a "planted tank" with special lighting needs and you're not planning on overstocking then the kits can be real money savers. Especially for starting out with your first tank the kit should be fine. If you decide you need to upgrade certain equipment later then you can.
Welcome to AA.

I personally don't like Kits, because they usually come with sub-standard equipment (at least in my opinion).
Like, off-brand heaters, Whisper filters, a 'lick n stick' external thermometer (very inaccurate).

I think cplawrence sums it up well: get the tank, lid, light, gravel from the fish store, and then hit big als or for a heater and filter.

And we'd be happy to help you pick the right size heater and filter, as well as a good brand. I for one am partial to Aquaclear filters, and either VisiThem or Ebo Jager heaters.
Thanks for the help. It's amazing how much cheaper Big Al's is when compared to LFS. Faster too, I'll be getting my bag of Eco-Complete (I want at least one low-light plant) from Big Al's before my LFS would've gotten it by ordering it for me.

I've decided to go with buying everything separately, especially after reading up on the AquaClear filters. I still have a bit more reading before I get all my brands and models picked out; but I'm sure it'll be worth it.
FYI, you don't NEED eco complete to keep plants. Its considered more of a 'high light, high tech' planted tank setup.
Use it if you like, but you certainly won't fail with low light plants by not using eco complete.
malkore said:
FYI, you don't NEED eco complete to keep plants. Its considered more of a 'high light, high tech' planted tank setup.
Use it if you like, but you certainly won't fail with low light plants by not using eco complete.

I can certainly attest to that. I grow a variety of plants in a low-light, non eco-complete environment. :)
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