Toilet paper in my 55(looks like TP)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 9, 2006

This is my first post after, many months of reading only.. Cant wait to benefit from everybody's experience...

Here's my first question.

55gal, planted, no ferts
4 cichlids', 1 pleco
60W of FL (10 hours/day),
average of 1/5 to 1/4 water change per 2 schedule allows

I installed a XP2 filter(new in box) in april. I have begun to notice a milky colored film accumulating/growing inside the filter tubing, when I snap it with my fingers, it breaks loose and comes shooting out the nozzle, and the tank fills with what looks like disintegrating toilet paper crud. What might it be?

I am at work and have some water tests - at home, but the tank has been used now for over 2 years with a HOB, and I never saw this type of material before.

Any ideas?

And as soon as I get home, I'm gonna snap a bunch of pics of the tank, cuz I could really use some suggestions from the algae experts too!!

Again thanks, it's a pretty long post for one question, sorry to get so far off subject!
Read this thread. Follow my same suggestion. It should be easy enough to get out.

As to how it got there in the first place, I'm not entirely sure what it might be. Have you replaced the filter at all? I'm not sure about canisters but most people say you should replace the filter once a month. On canisters with multiple filter pieces I think you replace a part of it wait a week and replace the next until all the pieces have been replaced to preserve bacteria but someone may correct me on that.
I regularly have similar films build up my in filter tubes (primarily the intake tube). I think its either some sort of bacteria or colony of other simple organisms. Its never been a problem for me, though. I clean the tubes every month when I replace my filters, and that keeps it under control here.

I'm wondering if its "good" nitrite/nitrate eating bacteria... If so, it might be useful to introduce into a new tank to speed up cycling!
This is exactly what I am getting in my tank - See the link Alshain gave you. It's is very easy to clean tubes but I don't want to have to disconnect my filter just because my pipes are dirty.

Alshain said:
I'm not sure about canisters but most people say you should replace the filter once a month.

IMHO if you need to clean your filter once every month it is too small or not setup correctly. I run a prefilter sponge on my intake which sits behind another sponge filter connected to my CO2 reactor. It takes me about 5 mins a week to clean these when I am doing a PWC. The filter itself only needs cleaning about 4 or 5 times a year as it handles biological filtration only.

This is why I hate having to bust down my filter cause my hoses are clogging up!!
It's common buildup in filters. Just clean it out on a monthly basis and you won't have that buildup.

I clean my filters once a month also and it's not because the tank is under-filtered or set up incorrectly. Once a month (usually the first weekend of the month) I replace the filter floss and rinse the sponge. It's common maintenance.

Sounds like this is not a unique situation. Thanks for sharing!
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