Tons of convict fry!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2012
lee, illinois, usa
O I got a few cons a few weeks ago and just now I realized there were some fry then i looked closer and there's a ton!!
What do I do w/ all of them and what do I feed them??? I ordered some brine shrimp eggs yesterday...
SO I got a few cons a few weeks ago and just now I realized there were some fry then i looked closer and there's a ton!!
What do I do w/ all of them and what do I feed them??? I ordered some brine shrimp eggs yesterday...

Congrats! I bought a baby fish food at the store called "first bites" but all you have to do is crush some flake food and they should eat that.
I just got rid of my convicts today, i had a breeding pair full grown. They were producing 300 fry every month or two!!! Good luck, i fed them crushed flakes
Its hard to say by the pic but it looks like they are swimming around so probably 3 to 6 days
They really breed like bunnies.......... like i said, i gave mine up today cause there were just so many. But i kept some fry from a while ago and have those. I have about 20 that are .5 inches with stripes already. Im gonna let those grow up, sell some but keep a pair to breed
Ralphie126 said:
They really breed like bunnies.......... like i said, i gave mine up today cause there were just so many. But i kept some fry from a while ago and have those. I have about 20 that are .5 inches with stripes already. Im gonna let those grow up, sell some but keep a pair to breed

I kno they breed like bunnies! What is the easiest way to get rid of the fry? Or when they get bigger can u sell them?
It will take a while for them to grow big enough to really be sold to people. Or you could let the other fish in the tank eat them as feeders
Ralphie126 said:
It will take a while for them to grow big enough to really be sold to people. Or you could let the other fish in the tank eat them as feeders

How can I do that w/out the other fish getting ripped up by the parents?
To save the fry you cold put the female in a separate tank, then after giving birth. Take her out and into your main tank.
if you want the other fish to eat them as feeder, take the parents out for 5 mins and they eat them all
Well, my parents ate my fry. My lfs said 1-2inches and it took mine about a month to reach 3/4 to 1in then they died.
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