Took mollies to lfs!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2011
North Las Vegas, NV
I took my very first batch of juvenile Dalmatian Mollies to my LFS today... They were 1"-11/2" --3 mths old.
Bitter sweet! They gave me $10 for 25. I watched them put them on display ... Here's a pic... They put them in with Yellow/Orange Tetras

At store on display:

View attachment 66073
Fishie said:
Nice job I guess. How much you sell each of them for?

I had them on Craigslist for $1 each..
I have some Creamsicle Mollies up...
No one has inquired... They're mature enough to have given birth already.
ocminpin said:
I had them on Craigslist for $1 each..
I have some Creamsicle Mollies up...
No one has inquired... They're mature enough to have given birth already.

I would buy some but I don't have room :(
I just did a 50% pwc in the 20g L the remainder of them are in and they're swimming around like CRAZY! Long darts across the tank... They are as energetic as Danios chasing each other and going nuts. The ones that are left are a few weeks younger and slower growing... 1/2" or so... They look like they're playing... Twisting and tumbling :)
Could be they just have more ROOM!
Aww, sounds like they are enjoying the extra space!! When I get my 40 cycled I might just have to pm you about a few of your little guys ;)
GuppyLover said:
Aww, sounds like they are enjoying the extra space!! When I get my 40 cycled I might just have to pm you about a few of your little guys ;)

That would be great :)
My Silver Mollies are growing like weeds too... They're soooo cute!
Your 29G set up looks really nice - seems you mostly have Mollies based on your pics and that you've had some success with breeding / keeping them. How many mollies do you keep in a 29G? I just picked up 2 baby mollies at my LFS 6 days ago and have them in a 5G. I'm worried they will outgrow that tank size quickly and wondering what a safe size would be to raise them?
At least your lfs gave you something for them. I had a trio of beautiful orange/gold sailfins that I finally took back to the lfs because I was tired of thinning out the juvies and giving them away. Buggers kept overcrowding a 55...
Ponch said:
Your 29G set up looks really nice - seems you mostly have Mollies based on your pics and that you've had some success with breeding / keeping them. How many mollies do you keep in a 29G? I just picked up 2 baby mollies at my LFS 6 days ago and have them in a 5G. I'm worried they will outgrow that tank size quickly and wondering what a safe size would be to raise them?

I have 3 adult females and a 3 mth old juvie female, along with a platy in my 29g. My male molly is in QT.
Total of 4 mollies... If my male recovers, 5.
Did you look at my setup on my profile? The pic in the beginning of this thread is of them with other fish at the pet store.
Are your baby mollies males or females? Both?
A single male Molly should be kept with 3 females.. Ratio 1m:3F
Males will constantly mate and it gives the females a bit of time to rest...
If you have both females, great.
Generally mollies should be kept in a min 20g.. They have a HUGE bioload... Similar to goldfish... Lots of waste.. Your babies will make quite a mess out of the 5g..
toddnbecka said:
At least your lfs gave you something for them. I had a trio of beautiful orange/gold sailfins that I finally took back to the lfs because I was tired of thinning out the juvies and giving them away. Buggers kept overcrowding a 55...

Oh wow! I'd LOVE a sailfin!
I haven't ever let a Molly give birth and leave fry in the tank... I don't have a planted tank (yet!) and the fry have a .001% chance at survival for a few hours without much cover...
I'd love a black sailfin female.
ocminpin said:
Oh wow! I'd LOVE a sailfin!
I haven't ever let a Molly give birth and leave fry in the tank... I don't have a planted tank (yet!) and the fry have a .001% chance at survival for a few hours without much cover...
I'd love a black sailfin female.

Too bad they get hugeee lol

I have 3 adult females and a 3 mth old juvie female, along with a platy in my 29g. My male molly is in QT.
Total of 4 mollies... If my male recovers, 5.
Did you look at my setup on my profile? The pic in the beginning of this thread is of them with other fish at the pet store.
Are your baby mollies males or females? Both?
A single male Molly should be kept with 3 females.. Ratio 1m:3F
Males will constantly mate and it gives the females a bit of time to rest...
If you have both females, great.
Generally mollies should be kept in a min 20g.. They have a HUGE bioload... Similar to goldfish... Lots of waste.. Your babies will make quite a mess out of the 5g..

Hi there - Thanks for the reply. I looked at the pics on your profile when checking out your tanks. My baby mollies are 1 male and 1 female, according to the LFS...couple this with the huge bioload you speak of and it sounds like a recipe for trouble. :(

I could take them back to the store but I would hate to do that since I enjoy watching them so much. They are just so full of personality...and quite the scavengers constantly picking all the algae off the aquarium fixtures and decorations. They are both quite small right now but i am noticing the nitrates go from 0ppm to 40ppm in about 3-4 days on average...which means I will need do PWC's every 3-4 days which is more than I bargained for. In your 29 G how often are you doing PWCs with your mollies?

I've only had these fish for a week now but am already in the process of convincing my wife I need a bigger tank so they can grow and live happily (and relieve me of the mid-week PWC...once a week would be ideal for me with my work schedule). Needless to say it's a slow negotiation but i am hopeful that I can close the deal on space efficient corner bowfront by Christmas - somewhere in the neighborhood of 36-40 gallons! Would be a great Christmas present so I can keep these two and get a couple more females to round out the brood. :)
Ponch said:
Hi there - Thanks for the reply. I looked at the pics on your profile when checking out your tanks. My baby mollies are 1 male and 1 female, according to the LFS...couple this with the huge bioload you speak of and it sounds like a recipe for trouble. :(

I could take them back to the store but I would hate to do that since I enjoy watching them so much. They are just so full of personality...and quite the scavengers constantly picking all the algae off the aquarium fixtures and decorations. They are both quite small right now but i am noticing the nitrates go from 0ppm to 40ppm in about 3-4 days on average...which means I will need do PWC's every 3-4 days which is more than I bargained for. In your 29 G how often are you doing PWCs with your mollies?

I've only had these fish for a week now but am already in the process of convincing my wife I need a bigger tank so they can grow and live happily (and relieve me of the mid-week PWC...once a week would be ideal for me with my work schedule). Needless to say it's a slow negotiation but i am hopeful that I can close the deal on space efficient corner bowfront by Christmas - somewhere in the neighborhood of 36-40 gallons! Would be a great Christmas present so I can keep these two and get a couple more females to round out the brood. :)

It the tank cycled? How large is the tank? I font think they have such a massive bioload as to do this unless the tank was like 10 gallons or less
It the tank cycled? How large is the tank? I font think they have such a massive bioload as to do this unless the tank was like 10 gallons or less

Yes, it's cycled. It's a 5G so thus the 2pwc's per week to keep up with the mollies. OCMINPIN - Sorry to have my 101 mollie questions take over your thread ... if there's much more dialog here i'll start another ;)
Ponch said:
Yes, it's cycled. It's a 5G so thus the 2pwc's per week to keep up with the mollies. OCMINPIN - Sorry to have my 101 mollie questions take over your thread ... if there's much more dialog here i'll start another ;)

Heehee... No worries :)
Just had more aqua puppies born this morning...
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