Top of Tank Fish?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 28, 2005
Boston, MA
Now that the cycling is finished, I've started to stock my tank... so far I have 6 serpae tetras (middle of tank fish) and one cory cat (bottom)... I'd like the next round to be top of tank fish. Any ideas on some cool pretty fish that a beginner can handle? My pH rounds around 7.2, temp around 78.
I would get two or three more Cories for the bottom. They like to be in groups. How big is the tank?

46 gallons... more cory cats are definitely in the works, too. Our poor little guy is lonely! How many do you suggest?
yeah i agree with talloulou hatchetfish are awesome, you also have to get a couple of them they like schooling as well
Another vote for gouramis, they would look beautiful! :D Hatchets are very pretty too, but I've heard they can be difficult to keep and I think they prefer a lower pH than what you have. That doesn't mean it wouldn't work, but just something to keep in mind. If you get hatchets I would suggest a school of at least 6, they like company. :mrgreen:
Gouramis are cool... or you could get One or Two angels.. They swim all over, and when you go up to the tank, they swim to the top and "beg" for food, mine will even eat right out of my hands.

Also, for your corys , go ahead and get 5 more, i have 6 and they are awesome.
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