Transporting fish

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the wiz

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 4, 2017
In about 6 months I am moving. On the road time will be about 17 hrs. with a lay over of 7 or 8 hrs. I have 16 fish now but will problem just move 7 or 8. I have moved same fish before but a 1 hr. trip and I lost none. Let's say I have a tank set up and conditioned to receive said fish. It is feasible to do so? I rather rehome than for them not survive. Any ideas how to do so would be appreciated.
6 cichlids, ranging from 4 to 1 inches
3 T-Barbs, Medium
1 Red Tail, 3 inches

Currently all living together.
Oh.. Just bag them with plenty of fresh air in the bag. If possible add a little oxygen (not probable). Throw them in a dark box lined with towels or something to block light and sound. Key would be fasting them 3 days prior so they don't pollute water.
I agree. Just bag them individually. Use much more air than water. Make sure the bags are airtight and don't open them until you are ready to put them into the new tank.

If it is going to be hot or cold during your trip use heat/cool packs and/or bring the box into your motel room.
I was thinking 3/ 5 gal buckets. That is what I used before. and I threw in use filter media in each one. Thoughts?
I was thinking 3/ 5 gal buckets. That is what I used before. and I threw in use filter media in each one. Thoughts?
I always thought buckets were good until o watched a video from someone indont necessarily follow but sense was made. Buckets can have a rough inner surface. Fish swim in circles and scratch the eyes up.. not good. Bags are the only way imo. The whole ammonia buildup is limited in bags as they lack oxygen to boost negative affects. Bag em, float em , dump em. Darkness would be my only catch. Keep them pitch black entire travel
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